Amazon SimpleDB 支援 SELECT 語法了
>> 2008/12/18
SimpleDB 的門檻又再降低了一些。
Amazon 今天公佈,SimpleDB 的 query,現在正式支援類似 SQL 的 SELECT 語法了。詳細的用法可以參考 Developer Guide 的文件。老實說,我不認為這有什麼巨大的影響,不過對於原本熟稔 MySQL / pgSQL 而卻步於類似 SimpleDB 或是 BigTable 之類的人,可能會降低一些他們轉換的心理負擔。
講了 Amazon webservices 這麼久 (一狗票 post 呢),老實說我也不知道到底國內 web developer or Architect 用的人多不多。不過我敢很肯定的說,如果你們公司在網際網路業裡面,而沒有很好的理由不使用任何 Amazon webservices 的話....
You should probably fire your CTO.
well, could you list some internet company which you though is suitable to use Amazon service?
Kimo!Yahoo? Pchome? or xSP? on-line games?
ALL the companies that you listed, IMHO.
The point is, most internet companies don't have a "really good reason" not to use AWS. They just stick to simple old reasons like "We need our in-house technology" or "The data is too sensitive to be stored on another company's infrastructure". For most companies, AWS offers a solution so cheap that it's not even worth it to develop the solutions themselves.